Services - Safety and Operational Support

SRCA has an immaculate standing of safety excellence in accident investigation and safety support. Mr. Robert Rendzio, founder of SRCA, has extensive safety experience having investigated over 150 major accidents directly with the U.S. Army Safety Center (USASC) and indirectly with the FAA and the NTSB. These include helicopters and airplanes in missions related to tactical flight, low-level operations, interdiction, transport, mid-air collisions, material failure, maintenance, and crew interaction, etc. Additionally, SRCA has expertise in all OSHA-related matters having worked with clients in managing and accessing industrial safety operations that include HAZMAT, MSDS, hazardous waste, and emergency operations.

SRCA’s experience includes:

  • Aviation and ground-related accidents that include terminal re-fueling operations
  • Explosions, fire, shootings, and maintenance operations
  • Rotorcraft wire strike analysis, and
  • Fire extinguishments
For more information about our expertise, click here.

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