Products - Checklist Compiler Program

Developing a multitude of checklists in one program

Safety Research Corporation of America (SRCA) has developed the Checklist Compiler Program (CCP), a developmental tool allowing the user to construct an unlimited number of interactive checklists or assessments of almost any subject. The CCP application allows a user to develop and then distribute customized checklists, unique to any given subject. Once a checklist is developed, it becomes an executable software program. Attributes include:

  • Each checklist can have up to 12 sections with 6 sub-sections.
  • Scoring can be tailored in each section independently using either “Yes-No” responses or scaled answers, such as 1 being Poor and 5 being Exceptional.
  • Questions can be identified as critical to a passing assessment.
  • Questions can be linked to references.
  • Custom or user-identified graphics can be imported at every stage.

Interactive Checklist Functionality:

  • User friendly and intuitive interface
  • Allows for entry of inspector(s), organizational information and related points of contact
  • Checklist can be executed on an iPad, laptop or desktop computer
  • Checklists can be divided between several inspectors; each being assigned various sections or parts to be combined later
  • Scores can be viewed and exported into graphs
  • Remarks can be added
  • Scoring is tabulated automatically. It can be viewed at any time to review progress and as part of the completed assessment.
  • Checklists can be printed blank or when completed to include the findings, recommendations, and score pages
  • The program automatically develops the PowerPoint Presentation for the outbriefing

Sample Images

Inventory Control Program (ICP) search image.


Simplified task organized to get things done fast.

Custom Styling

Multiple styling options to suite your taste.

Mission Risk Assessment Scoring

Export Checklist

An example of the custom checklist CCP creates.