Products - Interactive Map (IMAP)

A Web-based Inventory Tracking and Management Tool for Logistics and Personnel Information

The Interactive Inventory Map (IMAP) is a web-based inventory tracking and management tool for maintaining situational awareness of logistics, organizations, and/or personnel information. This tool can be used to track individuals, organizational elements, assets or even facilities on a geographical (map) display. The IMAP allows a user to:

  • Explore by asset, company, sub-organizational, or personnel
  • Cross-level and adjust inventories; add, move and delete
  • View and evaluate assets/personnel clearly and provide updated statistics
  • Divide global assets/personnel by regions and use drag-and-drop functionality for movement of inventory and other assets
  • Provide a clear and concise overview for any user level

SRCA’s IMAP can display current locations of inventory, sites, personnel, consultants, deployment status, or any element that a user may need to access. Detailed search options are available by keywords, regions, units, assets or any other defined data fields. All displayed information is exportable for printing and incorporation into briefing materials. Multiple user levels are available to restrict access to only key personnel, while allowing limited viewing rights to other users.

Map View

The IMAP has an intuitive graphical user interface that permits viewing assets in a geographical manner. A user can quickly find any asset via the map interface or through a filter search engine. The Map View tab is the default global view of the world illustrating boundaries of various regions useful to your company. Within these regions, icons are used to display current locations of products, sites, or inventory.

Tracking View

The tracking view is critical when a user wants to ascertain location of particular assets or personnel. The IMAP is designed to track major inventory items, such as engines, aircraft, ships, and high cost inventory, etc.

Sample Images

IMAP Site View


Locate organizations worldwide and click the icon for more information.

IMAP Edit Unit


Search, edit and store personnel information based on location.

IMAP Fielded System

Fielded Systems

Log valuable information for fielded systems.