Services - Safety and Operational Support

Safety Audits

SRCA provides IS-BAO auditing support to organizations world-wide. SRCA is able to prepare organizations in meeting IS-BAO requirements by providing initial assessments to organizations that seek an Audit and prepare them appropriately.

The International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) was designed by IBAC to promote high quality operating practices for aircraft operations by providing requirements for flight operations including management, operations and maintenance. The standard is based upon the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and is centered upon Safety Management Systems (SMS). It is recognized throughout the world to include agencies within the U.S. Government. To maintain a high level of consistency, only highly experienced and specially trained auditors may assist in obtaining registration for aviation organizations.

Assessments of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations

SRCA performs assessments to evaluate whether organizations are in compliance with FAA Regulations. This includes both rotary wing and fixed wing operations and whether they comply with Part 91, Part 133, and/or Part 135. SRCA has significant experience in rotary wing utility operations and has worked with some of the largest utility providers in the United States.

DCMA Assessments

Under DCMA 8210.1, all contractors must assess their organizations at least semi-annually. SRCA provides assessment services to evaluate all facets of the operating procedures as developed from the DCMA 8210.1 Instructions. SRCA comprehensively evaluates the Flight Operations Procedures, Ground Operating Procedures, and the Contractors Safety Program. SRCA assesses these procedures with a keen perspective on the following attributes:

  • Do the procedures meet the latest DCMA 8210.1 requirements?
  • Is the contractor executing and implementing the procedures as written?
  • Are the procedures appropriately written in a manner that they can be implemented?
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